HTTP/2 is a robust multiplexed protocol for improving page load speed and security. In this tutorial, we will learn how to setup NGINX with HTTP/2 support.

Nginx is a open source fast and reliable web server. It gained popularity due to its low memory footprint, load balancing, high scalability, caching, support for the majority of protocols and reverse proxying. Now let’s talk about how nginx enable http2 protocol.
One of the protocols supported by Nginx is HTTP/2 which was published in May 2015. The main advantage of HTTP/2 is its high transfer speed for content-rich websites, reduces the load on the web server and it can initiate multiple parallel requests in a single TCP connection. Nginx enable http2 is an improved version of the HTTP protocol. Before we get started, we will need a few Ubuntu or Debian server with SSL certificate. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to nginx enable http2 on ubuntu.
- Updating the packages and Installing Nginx
- Enabling HTTP/2 Support
- Adding the Server Name
- Adding the SSL Certificates
- Removing the Ciphers
- Redirect all HTTP Requests to HTTPS
- Restart Nginx
- Conclusion
Step 1: Updating the packages and Installing Nginx
The first step is to update and upgrade the repositories in the apt packaging system. Using update will download the latest version packages and upgrading will install the latest version of the packages in the list. Run the below apt command to update and upgrade the packages.
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
The next step is to install the latest version of nginx package. Support for the HTTP/2 protocol was introduced in Nginx version 1.9.5 and above. Therefore, we will have to install the latest version of the Nginx package. Run the below use apt install command to install the Nginx packages:
sudo apt-get install nginx
You will be prompted to confirm the step by step installation process. Select YES option and finish the installation process. After the installation process finishes, the next step is to check the version of the package whether we have installed the right version or not. You can check the version of nginx web server by typing command:
sudo nginx -v
The output of above version check command should be similar to the following:
nginx version: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)
Step 2: Enabling HTTP/2 Support
After installing the nginx package, we need to enable http2 nginx. The user has to change the listening port from 80 to 443. Let’s open the nginx configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/
You can see the by default value of Nginx is set to listen is port 80.
As you can see that there two different listen variables. The first one listen variable is for all IPv4connections and the second one is for IPv6 connections. We will enable encryption for both variables. Change the listening port number to 443 and add SSL connection for HTTPS protocol as shown below:
Notice that in addition to ssl, we also added http2. Nginx is now able to use browsers that supports HTTP/2 protocol.
Step 3: Adding the Server Name
Next step is to change the server_name so that the server name is associated with the domain name. The user just needs to change the server name in the configuration file. Locate the server_name entry in the configuration file and change _ to your actual domain, like this:
Save the server configuration file by editing in the text editor. You can check the Nginx configuration for syntax errors with command:
sudo nginx -t
If the syntax is error free then you will see the below output:
Step 4: Adding the SSL Certificates
Next step is to enable nginx https configuration to use your SSL certificate. You can generate a self signed certificate or install a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt. If you don’t have an SSL certificate then please follow this tutorial. Add your SSL certificates inside the nginx configuration directory similar to:
sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl
Copy your certificate and the private key to this location and also replace with your actual domain name:
Now open nginx server configuration file once again. Add and configure new SSL lines inside the nginx server block with the location of your certificates to enable nginx ssl configuration:
Save the file nginx file and exit the text editor.
Step 5: Removing the Ciphers
Cipher is an algorithm used in cryptography for data encryption and decryption. Cipher suites are a bunch of cryptographic algorithms used to secure network connections. HTTP/2 has a huge blacklist of insecure ciphers which need to be removed. Here we will use a popular cipher set, approved by Internet giants CloudFlare.
Open the following nginx configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and add the below lines just after ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on. These lines include the list of latest ciphers that HTTP2 browsers understand.
You may set gzip to off and add proxy_max_temp_file_size 0; to avoid err_http2_protocol_error nginx error.
Step 6: Redirect all HTTP Requests to HTTPS
Now we should tell nginx http2 proxy what it should serve the content through HTTPS only if the server receives an HTTP request. Finally, ignoring commented out lines, your nginx configuration file /etc/nginx/sites-available/ should look similar to this:
Save the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and then exit. Check the configurations for syntax errors:
sudo nginx -t
Step 7: Restart Nginx
To apply the all changes, restart the nginx http2 reverse proxy server and check configuration status.
Congratulations, you have successfully learned how to set up nginx config http2 support on ubuntu server. Your nginx http2 settings is now serving HTTP/2 pages and it also cleared the difference between HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 protocols. If you still face any configuration issues, do let us know in the comment section.
Do you have any questions about HTTP2 multiplexed protocol?, Please get in touch.
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