Opt for the right localization management platform for small to enterprise-level business applications. This article will help you in making the right choice.

Recently, we published a blog post in which we discussed the need of employing an open source translation management system for your business website. We also explored how it works and what are the core features of a TMS. This article will demonstrate the top 3 open source translation management tools in the year 2023. In addition, we will also touch on some critical provisions offered by these free translation management systems.
Globalization and localization play a vital role in bringing users traffic to any business website or application. It has been seen that more than 30% of the total organic traffic is linked to translations. Therefore, sensing the importance of software localization, enterprises tend to opt for a localization management platform to get website localization services. By adopting a TMS, you can manage translations in an efficient way. So, let’s start this guide, and do not forget to know the basics of a TMS before proceeding further.
The following translation management tools will be covered in this guide:
i18n-tasks is one of the most widely-used free translation management tools. It is highly optimized and written in Ruby programming language. So, this open source TMS is developer-friendly and easy to set up on the local machine. Moreover, you can integrate it with any project using i18n gem. Further, i18n-tasks has good stats on GitHub with 1.8k tars and 231 forks.
If you are looking to give it a try, you can find its code on the GitHub repo with all the installation instructions mentioned. This free translation management system has the ability to manage multiple translation files. Further, you can build custom adaptors and do many other customizations to meet your business needs. Basically, it does all the processes by static analysis where it offers an interactive console to the users. Moreover, this open source TMS provides integrations with DeepL and Google translations.
Tolgee is an enterprise-level open source translation management system. It comes with self-hosting capabilities with a rich stack of features. This TMS is written in Kotlin, and TypeScript and offers integrations with almost all popular JavaScript frameworks such as Next.js, Angular, Vue, and more. In addition, this free TMS has all the source code available on GitHub with comprehensive documentation regarding development and deployment.

The following are the prominent features of this free TMS:
Translation memory: Tolgee is equipped with a translation memory mechanism where it removes the tendency of translating the same sentence multiple times. It keeps records of all previous translated words/sentences.
Integrations: This free translation management system has exposed software development kits(SDKs) for third-party integrations.
Auto-translation: Once you enable this feature, it will translate the new keys automatically using translation memory.
Activity log: Tolgee offers an intuitive dashboard where you can leverage the activity log feature. You can watch other people’s activities by navigating this feature.
In-context translating: This is the most pro feature of this localization management platform. As per this feature, you can perform in-context translation even in the production environment.
Machine translations: Tolgee supports third-party machine translation services such as DeepL, AWS translations, and Google translations.
.Collaboration: It is another prominent provision in which different stakeholders can work collaboratively and review, the work done by others
Traduora is another open source software to automate the translation workflow. This free TMS is also written in TypeScript along with input from other languages such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and others. Moreover, you can self-host it as there is complete documentation available on GitHub regarding its development and deployment. Further, there is a Docker image available of this open source translation management software with which you set up this software by spinning up the Docker’s container.
Above all, Traduora has exposed a REST API for integration with third-party applications. There is a complete implementation of authentication in this free TMS.
Traduora comes up with the following key features:
Global search: Traduora offers a global search feature where you can search any entity instantly.
Invite Users: This free open source translation management system lets you invite users to work collaboratively.
REST API: There is a REST API available for developers for third-party integrations. Moreover, it lets developers configure the API calls as per their business needs.
Data import export: This free translation management system offers rich import/export features. Further, you can export data into popular data formats such as JSON, CSV, and more.
Security: Traduora is equipped with good security measures. However, you need to implement SSL certificates to encrypt client-server communications.
Likewise, there is a vibrant community that is very active in responding to developers.
Summing up
To sum up, we have gone through the top 3 open source Translation Management Tools in the year 2023. We also explored their GitHub stats and features. All the translation management tools enlisted in this blog post are free and open source. Further, there have been consistent improvements in this category of open source software. Therefore, this article will really help you if you are looking to install a good localization management platform to get website localization services for your business software. There are further articles enlisted in the “See Also” section, so do not forget to check them out.
Finally, containerize.com is writing articles on further open source products. Therefore, please stay in touch for regular updates.
Ask a question
You can let us know about your questions or queries on our forum.
Is there a better translation tool than Google Translate?
Tolgee is an open source translation management tool with enhanced translation services. Moreover, it also supports Google translations and AWS translations.
What is a TMS system in translation?
A translation management system automated various translation processes and increase translation efficiency.